In this articlePricing Uniswap v3 LP Positions: Towards a New Options Paradigm?, Prof. Guillaume Lambert left the following exercise.
I will show my solution here.
First of all, let's calculate the probability of S_t > K, aka {S_t > K}.
Recall that S_t follows a Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM). The Wiener processW_t is normally distributed, aka W_t ~ N(0,t) , therefore it can be rewritten as Z*sqrt(t) where Z ~ N(0,1) .
Now let’s start with the actual equation, we first abbreviate the GBM probability density function (pdf) as lower case phi since φ is commonly used to represent pdf.
We can take e^{-\mu t} out, manipulate the equation, and tackle each integral. We can’t take out φ cause φ depends on x(see the very first screenshot at the top of this post).
This looks a lot like the Black-Scholes equation already.
1.1 Solving the first part
Recall that φ is a pdf, and the definition of expected value is the integral of x times its pdf. If you squint your eyes and look at the integral carefully, it is the same as below,
Since X is a random variable with a normal distribution of mean 0 and standard deviation 1, we can rewrite the expected value back to an integral with the pdf of a normal distribution.
where Φ* is the cumulative distribution function of N(σ\sqrt(t), 1) and d1 is the lower bound of the integral. To make Φ the CDF of N(0,1), we just need to make d1